FotoFinder PASIvision

Psoriasis documentation and PASI determination

The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) is considered the gold standard for psoriasis severity assessment. FotoFinder PASIvision allows an objective, computer-assisted PASI determination in just a few minutes by combining consistent whole body photography – based on the ATBM procedure for Automated Total Body Mapping – and cutting-edge skin analysis.

The PASIvision image comparison shows the improvement of the skin condition and thus the effectiveness of the respective treatment. The standardized photo documentation and the computer-assisted PASI determination with FotoFinder enable an optimal follow-up of psoriasis patients.

PASIscan® - The cutting-edge analysis software

PASIvision is based on standardised full body photos obtained with the FotoFinder ATBM master technology. Once the images are saved, the FotoFinder PASIscan can be started in your ATBM’s Total Body Mapping module. After selecting the underlying psoriasis type, the software automatically visualizes the psoriasis lesions. In less than a minute, it shows the PASI pre-score values for the affected body surface area in percent (head, arms, trunk and legs), the redness (erythema), the thickness of the plaques and the scaling. Each measured area is shown in a separate image. The calculated PASI pre-scores can then be adjusted and confirmed by the physician. An adjustment may be necessary for plaques under the hair, for example. In this way, FotoFinder’s innovative procedure enables an objective pre-assessment of psoriasis in the shortest possible time.

Objective PASI determination

FotoFinder PASIvision is the world’s first system for computer-assisted and objective PASI assessment. This method improves the precise follow-up of psoriasis patients and the visualization of the treatment success. A revolution in medical imaging!

Body surface analysis

A complex algorithm automatically determines the body surface area based on the total body photos, using a validated calculation method. Thus, the software is able to show the body surface area affected by psoriasis. The only limitations are body parts covered by hair or underwear – in these cases, manual adjustments can be made.

PASIvision image comparison

With the PASIvision image comparison, two photos can be compared side by side. Thus, a possible improvement of the disease and the effectiveness of the respective treatment can be visualized in a matter of seconds.

The PASIscan automatically calculates the PASI values of baseline and follow-up images and indicates the improvement by 50%, 75%, 90% or 100% (PASI 50, 75, 90 or 100).

PASI report

FotoFinder PASIvision reports impressively show the progress and success of the therapy. You can choose between different reports, which can be personalized with your practice or clinic address and logo. The results can be printed, exported or sent by e-mail as a PDF.

The image capturing procedure

FotoFinder PASIvision is based on digital photos captured with the ATBM technology for Automated Total Body Mapping and saved in the FotoFinder universe software. The patient must be completely undressed (except for black panties, if required), jewelry removed, and – if necessary – the hair tied back into a ponytail in order to make the entire body surface visible. Step by step, the software guides the user through the image capturing process.

The cross-polarized camera and xenon flash system PolFlash XE provides you with high-resolution, reflection-free psoriasis photos that visualize the extent, redness, scaling and thickness of the plaques.

Validated in clinical trials

FotoFinder PASIvision convinces also in clinical tests. For their study “Precision and
reproducibility of automated computer-guided Psoriasis Area and Severity Index
measurements in comparison with trained physicians”, Dr. Christine Fink, Prof. Dr. Holger Haenssle et al. from the University of Heidelberg examined 120 patients with plaque psoriasis and determined their PASI. The results verify a similar precision and a higher reproducibility compared to an expert team with three physicians.

Dr. B. S. Chandrashekar, Chief dermatologist at Cutis Academy of Cutaneous Sciences (CACS) Bangalore, India

I am very happy that we can work with FotoFinder in our clinic! The ATBM is an excellent system that makes PASI determination and psoriasis documentation more objective and easier to calculate!
