AIMEE - Your new AI assistant

Speed up your dermoscopy workflow.

Do you wish to get an instant artificial intelligence score for your dermoscopic images?
To speed up lesion assessment, improve your decision making and enhance the patient experience?

AIMEE — Pair your experienced eye with AI

Discover AIMEE, your new assistant for Artificial Intelligence Mole Examination and Evaluation, and unlock the potential of rapid AI scoring. Powered by FotoFinder AI, AIMEE is revolutionizing the pre-assessment of skin lesions and streamlining your dermoscopy workflow. AIMEE speeds up your decision-making and serves as a valuable training tool for physicians. 
AIMEE supports — you make the decision.

Optimize your dermoscopy workflow

Experience a paradigm shift in dermoscopy with AIMEE, your new AI assistant. During mole checks, capture dermoscopic images while AIMEE discreetly operates behind the scenes and quickly provides an AI score – presented alongside dermoscopic images. Say goodbye to exporting images to the Moleanalyzer pro and speed up your dermoscopy workflow. Thus, AIMEE supports your decision-making process with impressive sensitivity and specificity, as proven by numerous studies.

Unlock the Power of AI with AIMEE

With AIMEE, you receive an AI score from our powerful deep-learning algorithm that has been evaluated and validated in numerous clinical studies. Integrate AIMEE into your workflow and experience the unparalleled synergy between artificial Intelligence and your experience.

Human with Machine

Eye + AI. Performance: High.

The study “Human with Machine,” conducted by Julia Winkler, MD, Prof. Andreas Blum, MD, Katharina Kommoss, MD, Prof. Holger Haenssle, MD, et al., concludes that physicians may improve their performance through cooperation with a market-approved CNN (convolutional neural network), offering potential benefits for both dermatologists and patients.
